We offer free and confidential treatment involving clinic visits, therapy, mind-body practices, and innovative, investigative medications within a supportive environment at Columbia University Irving Medical Center.

Common Questions

  1. Which substances does the HOPE Clinic have treatment research for?
    Alcohol, cocaine (including crack), and opioids (heroin and painkillers).
  2. What services are provided during treatment at the HOPE Clinic?
    Individualized clinic visits, medication, psychiatric assessments, and close monitoring of physical health.
  3. What can I expect during the initial evaluation?
    The first step in the process is a 5-10 minute phone interview. After this interview, study physicians will review your information to determine eligibility. If you are eligible, you will be asked to come for an in-person physical and psychological evaluation.
  4. Does the HOPE Clinic offer compensation for travel expenses?
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